[Nechronica] Путь в Вальгаллу | ходы игроков | Прегены

DungeonMaster derasoft
25.06.2024 08:39
Несколько готовых сборок тел для тех, кто не хочет заморачиваться с билдами, перенеси содержимое одного из этих сообщений в свою анкету, и ты выполнил шаги 3-8 генерации.

DungeonMaster derasoft
25.06.2024 08:43
Эгоистичная кукла, готовая устроить резню любого масштаба. Она готова как превратиться в вихрь вращающихся лезвий, перемалывающий толпы, так и в снаряд, распиливающий крупную цель на тысячи кусочков.

Holic/x2 Thanatos

Carnage [Check/-/Self]As the Cost of this Skill, add a Madness Point to a Fetter of your choice. Support 3.
Unlimited Destruction [Damage/0/Self] Only usable on a target to whom you deal damage. As long as your current Action Point value is not zero or less, until the next Count, you may use all your available Attack Maneuvers once each against the same target at their original Timings, aside from the Maneuver that dealt initial damage (ignore the difference between your current Action Point value and the Count).
God of Death [Auto/None/Self] When making an Attack Check with a Melee Attack Maneuver, you may add +1 to the die roll.
Drama of Death [Auto/None/Self] During the Battle Phase, if you use an Attack Maneuver on a target that another Sister has successfully targeted and performed an Attack Check on this count, you may gain +1 on the dice roll on your Attack Check and add +1 damage against the same target.
(Your sister must perform their attack first.)

2 Arm / 2 Ench

Стартовая Зона: Лимбо
10 AP

Brain: [Auto/0/Self] AP+2
Eyebals [Auto/0/Self] AP+1
Jaw: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 2
Adrenaline [Auto/None/Self] AP +1
Barbed Wire [Damage/0/Self] You may only use this Maneuver when you deal damage. Add +1 to the damage for an Unarmed or Melee Attack.

Spine: [Action/1/0] One Maneuver you use on the next Count during this Round has its Cost reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0.) Stacks if used repeatedly. Discount may be divided totally arbitrarily.
(Первое сокровище) [Auto/None/None] Your Treasure. At the end of the Battle Phase, you may remove one Madness Point from a Fetter of your choice. If this Part is destroyed, immediately remove it from your Owned Parts.
Assassin Blade [Rapid/2/0] Melee Attack 2 + Chain Attack 1

Shoulder: [Action/4/Self] Move 1
Arm: [Check/1/0] Support 1
Fist: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 1
Lawnmower [Action/3/0] Melee Attack 3 + Chain Attack 2.
Chainsaw [Action/3/0] Melee Attack 2 + Dismember

Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Foot: [Check/1/0] Hinder 1

DungeonMaster derasoft
25.06.2024 15:13
Кукла, которая стремится увидеть мир вокруг в огне - потому что если выстреливать тысячи снарядов в секунду это необходимая цена, чтобы не подпускать этих мерзких безмозглых мертвецов к своим сёстрам, то так ли эта цена велика? Ну и что, что руки отдачей оторвёт? Приставим назад, и выпустим ещё тысячи пуль


Order [Rapid/2/-] All your sisters upon the Battle Map, including you, may make a single Attack Maneuver of their choice with Rapid Timing.
Gun God [Auto /None/Self] When you make an Attack Check for a Shooting Attack Maneuver, you may add +1 to the die roll.
Lullaby [Auto/None /Self] During the Battle Phase, take a penalty of -1 to Attacks Checks for Shooting Attacks. The Cost of Shooting Attacks Maneuvers is decreased by 1 (minimum 1.)
Made to be Broken [Auto/None/Self]Add +1 to all die rolls for Attack Checks and Dismemberment Checks. However, at the end of the Battle Phase and each Round of combat, you must damage one of your own Parts of your choice. This cannot be manipulated by Maneuvers that affect Costs.

3 Arm / 1 Mut
12 AP
Стартовая зона: Элизиум

Brain: [Auto/0/Self] AP+2
Eyebals [Auto/0/Self] AP+1
Jaw: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 2
Kung Fu [Auto/None/Self] AP+1

Spine: [Action/1/0] One Maneuver you use on the next Count during this Round has its Cost reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0.) Stacks if used repeatedly. Discount may be divided totally arbitrarily.
Maggots [Auto/None/Self] At the end of a Round of combat or the end of the Battle Phase, if this Part has been damaged, you may regenerate it.

Shoulder: [Action/4/Self] Move 1
Arm: [Check/1/0] Support 1
Fist: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 1
Rocket Launcher [Action/4/1~2] Blast Attack 4 + Explosive
Machine Gun [Action/3/1] Shooting Attack 1 + Area Attack

Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Foot: [Check/1/0] Hinder 1
Energy Tube [Auto/None/Self] AP +2. When the Location this part is equipped in takes damage, you must choose any one of your Basic Parts and damage it as well.

DungeonMaster derasoft
25.06.2024 22:35
Крайне странная Кукла. Выглядит крайне аккуратной и милой... А ещё это парень, которых здесь днём с огнём не сыщешь. А главное, он такой привлекательный, такой милый и приятный... Кажется он влюбляет в себя одним своим видом. Ещё и голос такой сладкий и манящий - одним словом, кукла, существующая для того, чтобы любая девушка при взгляде на него забыла обо всём, что тяготит её сердце. Вдобавок, он ещё и недотрога, не дающий прикоснуться к себе любому незнакомцу, и обладающий некоторым набором средств для того, чтобы максимально отложить встречу с врагом.



Maiden [Rapid/0/0] Make a Conversation Check with one of your sisters.
Extreme Mutation [See Effect/None/Self] When you learn this skill, you may acquire an additional Tier 3 Mutation. This is not limited by your Reinforcement Points, and you may regenerate it as normal.
Pawn's Gambit [Action/2/0~1] You may use this skill even if completely Annihilated. Move 1. The target of the Move loses 2 Action Points (even if the Move is Hindered.)
Embrace of Souls [Action/2/0~2] You may use this skill even if completely Annihilated. The target may remove a Madness Point from one of their Fetters. Afterwards, add a Madness Point to one of your Fetters that is not in a state of Madness.

2+1 Mut / 1 Enh
10 AP

Brain: [Auto/0/Self] AP+2
Eyebals [Auto/0/Self] AP+1
Jaw: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 2
Voice Effect [Rapid/2/0~2] You may make a mutual Conversation Check with your target sister.

Spine: [Action/1/0] One Maneuver you use on the next Count during this Round has its Cost reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0.) Stacks if used repeatedly. Discount may be divided totally arbitrarily.
Boy [Auto/None/Self] When you make a Conversation Check, you may add +1 to the die roll.
Chameleon [Action /2/Self] Until the end of the Round or until you use an Attack Maneuver, Horrors and Legions cannot make you the target of Attack Maneuvers.

Shoulder: [Action/4/Self] Move 1
Arm: [Check/1/0] Support 1
Fist: [Action/2/0] Unarmed Attack 1
Cold Light [Action/1/Self] Until the end of the Round or until this Part is damaged, all Horrors and Legions on the Stage of Battle receive a -1 to Attack Checks made against targets other than you. This effect does not stack.

Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Bone: [Action/3/Self] Move 1
Foot: [Check/1/0] Hinder 1
Tail [Auto/None/Self] AP +1.
Отредактировано 26.06.2024 в 19:22


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