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DungeonMaster YellowDragon
30.04.2014 00:16
Что почитать и копирайты

С русского фан-сайта игры, перевод того, что есть на официальном сайте.
На протяжении многих лет учёные трудились в исследовательских лабораториях, пытаясь создать человекоподобную машину. Роботизированная наука в 20 веке развивалась и совершенствовалась с огромной скоростью, пока наконец не осталось решить последнюю задачу - достижение необходимой мобильности тестовых устройств, их подвижности, пригодной для практического применения.

Первой решившей эту проблему стала корпорация Шнекке (нем. - Schnecke). Под руководством д-ра Лэндольта (англ. - Landolt) в 2020 году, по совпадению, в году образования United Continental States (UCS), была создана принципиально новая технология, позволяющая машине двигаться на уровне, не намного уступающим человеку. Учёные продолжали свои исследования, и в 2025 году были готовы первые прототипы, названные "wanderwagen" (от немецкого Wander - ходить, и Wagen - машина), а сокращенно WAW.

В следующем году, впечатлённая результатами Шнекке, производитель оружия корпорация Диэйбл Авионикс (англ. - Diable Avionics) (UCS) присоединяется к первой с целью дальнейшего развития WAW-технологии.
В 2027 году, были проведены испытания с участием WAW, предназначенных для обезвреживания или уничтожения мин. И хотя испытания прошли успешно, UCS военные посчитали, что технология все еще слишком дорога для практического применения.

Чтобы помочь снизить затраты на разработку, Шнекке и Диэйбл предложили стандартизировать платформы для технологии WAW. Выпущенный во всём мире в 2029, MULS-стандарт (Multi Unit Link System) - результат совместной работы корпораций Шнекке, Диэйбл, Сэндер (англ. - Sender) (EC), и Джейдметал (англ. - Jademetal) (OCU). В том же году вышла первая партия серийных WAW, под кодовым названием "Цикада" (англ. - Cicada).

Между тем, политическая борьба в Африке привела к началу африканских конфликтов в 2034 году (Front Mission Alternative). OCU полки, экипированные WAW-машинами, направляются туда, для участия в боевых действиях. Это был первый подобный опыт, однако WAW-технология показала себя весьма эффективной.
После этих событий, все исследования начали концентрироваться на доработке шагающих роботов под военные нужды.

Потребовалось несколько лет, и наконец в 2040 году корпорации Шнекке и Диэйбл выпускают новый стандарт WAW, специально для военного применения. Значительно дешевле и более мощнее, чем раньше, новые машины MULS-P становятся неотъемлемой частью вооруженных сил по всему миру. Чтобы отличать от нормальных WAW, их назвали "wanderpanzers" (от немецкого "шагающие танки"), или "wanzers" для краткости.

С этого момента, Wanzer стал основной ударной силой в современных конфликтах. Он продолжает доказывать свою ценность на поле боя, и, в свою очередь, ученые не прекращают исследования в развитии данной технологии, создавая более качественные, более мощные модели. В нынешней политической обстановке лучший путь к миру - быть готовым к войне.
Отредактировано 08.05.2014 в 16:35

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
30.04.2014 01:18
Кое-что о политических блоках мира с русского фансайта игры, переведено на основе Front Mission World Historica.

Oceania Cooperative Union (несколько раз где-то встречалось Oceanic Community Union) - Океанский Союз.

OCU представляет из себя наднациональный союз, состоящий из стран Юго-Восточной Азии, Океании и Австралии. Столица OCU, в которой расположен Центральный Парламент, находится в Канберре, Австралия.
История образования союза уходит своими корнями к 2006 году, когда Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии реорганизовала себя в Бангкокский Экономический Альянс (Bangkok Economic Alliance). В 2019 году он был переименован в Oceania Cooperative Union и, наконец, в 2026 был образован в политический союз, в современном его виде.


United States of the New Continent - Соединённые Штаты Нового Континента;
Unified Continental States - Государства Объединенного Континента.

В японском оригинале используется название USN. В локализированных версиях на английский язык FM1st, FM4 и FME их перевели как UCS. Однако в англоязычной FM3 сохранили исходное USN.
Конечно по смыслу ближе второй вариант - UCS.

USN - это наднациональное объединение Северной и Южной Америки. Столица находится в Вашингтоне.
Соединённые Штаты Нового Континента образованы в 2011 году, когда отношения Америки с Австралией начали портиться в связи с задержанием австралийского корабля под названием "Тринидад". После образования Республики ЗАФТРА в 2015 году, США и Канада начали вести переговоры о слиянии южноамериканских стран. Спустя пять лет, эти переговоры завершились созданием USN.


European Community - Европейское Содружество.

Европейское Содружество - прямой потомок Европейского Союза, состоящее из стран Европы. Столицей, в которой находится Центральная Ассамблея EC, является Париж.
В конце 1990-х члены-основатели Евросоюза начали вести активную политику, приглашая присоединится к ним оставшиеся страны Европы. В 2005 году, когда последнее государство вступило в Европейский Союз, он был переименован в Европейское Содружество.

Republic of Zaftra

Республика ЗАФТРА. Иногда встречается People's Rebublic of Zaftra, что значит народная.

Республика ЗАФТРА - это наднациональной союз, состоящий из некоторых стран СНГ и России. Столица - Москва.
После распада СССР в 1991 году, бывшие советские республики боролись за выживание на протяжении нескольких лет, но их экономическое состояние лишь ухудшалось. В конце концов, в попытке исправить положение, было принято решение объединится повторно. В 2015 году осколки СССР слились воедино и образовали Республику ЗАФТРА.

Отдельно нужно отметить Беларусь, не присоединившуюся к ЗАФТРА, и образовавшую собственную республику, под названием Republic of Ravnui.

* Ну в принципе те же медведи на велосипедах - ничего нового мы о себе не узнали :)


Organization of African Consolidation - Организация Африканской Консолидации.

Организация Африканской Консолидации является союзом африканских стран, которым в 2026 году EC и OCU помогают объединиться в супер-государство.
В отличие от других союзов, OAC состоит из пяти региональных блоков - Южноафриканских Соединенных Государств (South African United States - SAUS), Союза Государств Северной Африки (Union of North African States - UNAS), Западноафриканского Союза Государств (West African States Community Union - WA), Сообщества Государств Центральной Африки (Community of Central African States - CA) и Восточноафриканского Сообщества (East African Community - EA).

People's Republic of Da Han Zhong

Народная Республика Да Хан Жонг. Возможно русская транскрипция названия звучит немного иначе, но благодаря пиратам все уже привыкли к этому :)

Народная Республика Да Хан Жонг образовалась из предположительно мирного воссоединения Китая и Тайваня. Столица находится в Пекине.

Huffman Island

Остров Хаффмана.

Возникший на нейтральной территории, Остров Хаффмана привлёк к себе внимание лишь в 2070 году, когда обнаружилось, что он изобилует полезными ископаемыми.
Этот небольшой кусочек суши стал причиной неоднократных военных конфликтов между двумя крупнейшими силами - OCU и USN.
Территориально он разделён пополам между OCU и USN.
Отредактировано 23.05.2014 в 13:35

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
30.04.2014 20:25
Политическая карта мира
ザ-フトラ共和国 - ZAFTRA
大漢中 - DHZ
ハフマン紛争 - Huffman Island
Отредактировано 30.04.2014 в 20:27

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
02.05.2014 13:36
Мобильное оружие (с англоязычной вики)
Apart from wanzers, in the universe of the Front Mission series, militaries also employ mobile weapons. With the rise of WAW and WAP techology, arms manufacturers sought to find ways of improving conventional weapons platforms. By fusing aspects of wanzer design, new armored vehicles that could stand up against wanzers were created. These were later referred to as "mobile weapons".
Considered the next-generation of armored vehicles, mobile weapons are very powerful and potent war machines. The typical mobile weapon is very large, with at least twice the height and weight of the standard wanzer. Mobile weapons boast numerous high-tech weaponry (which include beam weapons and railguns) and are very well-armored, being able to withstand extreme punishment before going down. However, they tend to have poor mobility and have difficulty hitting fast-moving targets. As a result, militaries tend to use them as heavy artillery units on the battlefield, with a squad of wanzers guarding it.

While wanzers bear a relatively high resemblance to human, mobile weapons are much more like machinery, or even animals, in form. For example, mobile weapons such as Gloster, Zhuk, and Bogomol look nothing like humans at all, and the latter two were thought to resemble spiders. This is also illustrated by their compositions. Wanzers consist of body, two arms and legs, while mobile weapons usually only have a body part.

Due to their nature as slow-moving artillery units, mobile weapons are mainly piloted by elite soldiers who can maximize their combat capabilities. Some extremely large mobile weapons are piloted by a group of soldiers, such as the Bogomol. They are also never mass-produced, due to extremely high development costs and long development times.

Unlike WAWs and WAPs, mobile weapons are considered purely war machines with no non-military benefits. Thus, very few organizations in the Front Mission universe take the time to conduct research on their uses.


Mobile weapons are classified into one of several types:

Multi-legged Tank - mobile weapons that are essentially main battle tanks that use legs for movement.

Multi-legged Gunboat - mobile weapons that are essentially gunboats that use legs for movement.

Ground Gunboat - mobile weapons that are essentially gunboat-class machines for land-based warfare.

Mobile Fortress - extremely large mobile weapons that can function as a carrier for other weapons platforms.

Also, while they are not classified as such, advanced wanzers before Front Mission Evolved were considered partially as mobile weapons since they did not follow the MULS-P standard.

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
04.05.2014 20:44
Преимущества и недостатки WAP-концепции перед классической штурмовой техникой (из официального артбука)
Отредактировано 07.05.2014 в 13:49

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
06.05.2014 18:19
Немного о WAW, ванзерах, мобильном оружии и "продвинутых ванзерах" (с англоязычной вики)
In the series, the wanzers are depicted to consist of a body part, left and right arm parts, and leg parts. Wanzers, which are 120% bigger than WAWs, tend to be around 5.5 meters tall, and weigh roughly 25 tons. As they are mass-produced, many types of wanzers have varying combat roles on the battlefield. The development of the WAW and WAP units have also led to derivative technologies, which include armored vehicle/wanzer hybrids known as "Mobile Weapons" (sometime referred to as "Huge Wanzers" in Front Mission 2), which are large armored vehicles that possess greater firepower and durability than the standard wanzer. Another derivative of wanzers is the "Advanced Wanzer". Advanced wanzers are prototype models boasting offensive and defensive capabilities far greater than the average wanzer. They also tend to be larger and heavier than the general wanzer anywhere from 125-200% larger.Advanced wanzers are later standardized in Front Mission Evolved with the formation of the MULS-P2 standard; regular wanzers are built on the MULS-P standard.
Although wanzers were initially used as land-based weapons, their uses have expanded to underwater, air, and as of 2170s, in space as well. Although it's a versatile weapons platform, wanzers are not strong enough to handle armed forces alone. Therefore, militaries tend to train wanzer pilots to operate together and work with other weapons platforms. Very rarely are wanzers used alone as they can be surrounded and taken down through guerrilla tactics.

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
07.05.2014 14:45
Кратко о технологии MIDAS (с англоязычной вики)
M.I.D.A.S. stands for Matter Irradiation Dissociative Acceleration System. It was designed by Emir Klamsky, head of the USN Special Radiation Laboratories. M.I.D.A.S. separate the protons, neutrons, and electrons in auric radiation to extract energy. Auric Radiation has vast kinetic energy and breaks the molecular bonds of anything it comes into contact with. On contact with water molecules in the air, auric radiation turns into a stable element, loses all energy, and poses no threat to organisms of the environment.

M.I.D.A.S. has potential as a new source of energy, and is particularly intriguing to the world's military powers, for the following reasons:

Energy capacity — Current models are less effective than nuclear weapons, but more effective models can be made.
Reduced costs — The weapons output is adjustable. Separate tactical and strategic weapons are not needed, resulting in lower costs.
Deterrence factor — The auric radiation used in M.I.D.A.S. is stable once it fuses with water; therefore it does not cause contamination.

Отредактировано 07.05.2014 в 14:51

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
08.05.2014 16:28
Diable Avionics (из англоязычной вики)
Originally founded as an aircraft manufacturer, later entered the military industry once merged with a naval shipbuilder company, and quickly becomes one of the largest WAP maker in the USN.

Smaller USN companies, such as Firevalley, Walter Vonnegut, Hoperise and Freyman are under umbrella group of Diable Avionics. In addition of the core military armaments business, they also have various business branches:

Automobile manufacturing & sales (Diable Motors)
Personal Computer production (Diable Systems)
Heavy Equipments manufacturing (Diable Industrial)

Known Products


Cicada (WAP, Front Mission Alternative)
Phantom (Front Mission First, 2089)
Gracilis (Front Mission 5)
Drake M2C (Front Mission 3)
Grapple series
Numsekar series
Eldos/Pegase series (not to be confused with Pegase hover legs by Hoperise)
Valiant series
Recsys/Recson series
Gust/Vapor series
Calm/Tempest/Vortex series
Frost/Blizzaia series
Hayle series (Front Mission 2)
Degen series (Front Mission 2)
Zephyr prototype series (Front Mission Evolved)

Land Vehicles

OLV160M1 Taper (Front Mission 2)
OLV160M3 (Front Mission 2)
OLV160M5 (Front Mission 2)
RSV300 A (Front Mission 2)
RSV300 B (Front Mission 2)
RSV300 DM (Front Mission 2)


Arbitrator M4 (Front Mission 5) - not confused with the Durandal's own transport plane, ED1-Arbitrator
Naval ShipsEdit
U53LCAC (Front Mission 5)

WAP Parts

Coga R2 (Front Mission 5)
Coga R2H5 (Front Mission 5)
Coga R2 Mk-II (Front Mission 5)
Отредактировано 17.05.2014 в 22:30

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
08.05.2014 16:30
Iguchi Corp. (из англоязычной вики)
Iguchi (イグチ) Corporation is a OCU Japanese corporation/WAP maker. Their products can be seen in most Front Mission games.


Aside of WAP parts, they also manufactures pharmaceuticals and military vehicles. Became subcontractor to Yagisawa Industries during African Conflict (Front Mission Alternative), and then to Sakata Industries, which allows them to sell Sakata's wanzers, such as Type 65, Type 90 and Type 150 series. Eventually, in the 2094, three years after Second Huffman War, Iguchi acquires Sakata Industries, and becomes one of the largest OCU WAP maker since then.

Known Products


Lylas (Front Mission 3)
Quint series (Front Mission 4, Online)
Arco series (variation of Quint)
Kyojun series (Front Mission 3, 5)
Kyokei (Front Mission 3)
Hoshun (Front Mission 3)
Type 65 (Front Mission 4)
Type 90 (Front Mission 4)
Type 150 (Front Mission 4)
Type 99 Gekyu (Front Mission 2)
Type 100 Kakyu (Front Mission 2)
Type 102 Kyojin (Front Mission 2)
Housin/Gaihou (Front Mission Online)
T-1 Brutal Wolf (Front Mission 5)
T-xa Dire Wolf (Front Mission 5)
T-3 Terror Wolf (Front Mission 5)

Land Vehicles

Type 10 Light Tank (Front Mission First)RcTLV-1-
DAIAN T-22 supply truck as seen in Front Mission First
RVR-72GVAdded by RVR-72GV
DAIAN A23-A truck (Front Mission First)
DAIAN T-22 truck (Front Mission First)
Mk8 Support (Front Mission 3)
Type 9 Armored Car (Front Mission 3)


12mm Machine gun turret (Front Mission 3)
Отредактировано 08.05.2014 в 16:31

DungeonMaster YellowDragon
22.05.2014 20:40
Общая информация о ванзерах и их пилотах (с англоязычной вики)
In the universe of the Front Mission series, giant mecha called wanzers (from the German word "wanderpanzer"; wander for "walking, and panzer for "armor"), are widely deployed in battles, serving as a vital component of militaries' combined arms approach. In the series, wanzers were shown to often work alongside tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and other real world weapons. Two types of these mechas exist. Civilian-grade machines are known as "wanderwagens", and have a WAW designation. Wanzers, on the other hand, are military-grade machines with a WAP designation.


In the series, the wanzers are depicted to consist of a body part, left and right arm parts, and leg parts. Wanzers, which are 120% bigger than WAWs, tend to be around 5.5 meters tall, and weigh roughly 25 tons. As they are mass-produced, many types of wanzers have varying combat roles on the battlefield. The development of the WAW and WAP units have also led to derivative technologies, which include armored vehicle/wanzer hybrids known as "Mobile Weapons" (sometime referred to as "Huge Wanzers" in Front Mission 2), which are large armored vehicles that possess greater firepower and durability than the standard wanzer. Another derivative of wanzers is the "Advanced Wanzer". Advanced wanzers are prototype models boasting offensive and defensive capabilities far greater than the average wanzer. They also tend to be larger and heavier than the general wanzer anywhere from 125-200% larger.Advanced wanzers are later standardized in Front Mission Evolved with the formation of the MULS-P2 standard; regular wanzers are built on the MULS-P standard.
Although wanzers were initially used as land-based weapons, their uses have expanded to underwater, air, and as of 2170s, in space as well. Although it's a versatile weapons platform, wanzers are not strong enough to handle armed forces alone. Therefore, militaries tend to train wanzer pilots to operate together and work with other weapons platforms. Very rarely are wanzers used alone as they can be surrounded and taken down through guerrilla tactics.

Not all soldiers can become wanzer pilots, since piloting a wanzer has been shown to tax both physical and mental strength. As mentioned in Front Mission 4 novel "Elsa", piloting a wanzer seems to be a highly stressful experience for some people, presumably because of the dim and enclosed environment of the cockpit. It was said that one pilot even jumped out of the cockpit and vowed that he will never enter it again.

However, some other evidence doesn't seem to be quite consistent with this view, since many individuals who apparently don't have that level of strength were also seen to pilot wanzers, with a decent level of efficiency. For example, Lira Labra was also seen engaging in battles in her wanzer in Front Mission 2, but her physical build looks nowhere like individuals with more extensive military experience, such as Ash Faruk or Amia McCalum. All in all, it is currently not very clear what level (or types) of physical and mental strength does it take for one to pilot a wanzer efficiently.

Related Organizations

In the Front Mission universe, WAW and WAP production is a booming industry, with many military and non-military organizations involved in the business. There are numerous arms manufacturers who are known to produce wanzer models, such as the Diable Avionics of the U.S.N. North America. Wanzer production is known to be a highly competitive field, with new models frequently entering the pool of over a hundred models during the main series timeline.

Many scientists, including engineers, physicists, and psychologists became involved in the study of these technologies, from researching efficient uses of wanzers in warfare to improving medical technologies such as cybernetic implants and artificial limbs. For example, the Durandal is an organization based in E.C. Britain, built to researching ways to improve the efficiency of wanzers in combat.

It seems that the toy industry has profited from wanzers as well. In the ending credit of Front Mission 3, a picture which depicts a child holding a toy wanzer was shown.


For many years, men had labored in research labs to improve machine designs, ultimately attempting to bring them closer to human beings in form. Robotic science was a rapidly-growing field in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, but a consistent problem was their mobility and the fact that they moved in a rather ungainly fashion.

However, in the year 2020, the same year as the formation of the United States of the New Continent (U.S.N.), Dr. Landoldt of Wallenstein University and German arms manufacturer Schnecke proposed the model of a new actuator. This was a significant accomplishment, as it enabled the creation of machines that can move in more "human" manner. This proposal immediately drew the interest of the U.S.N. military. Schnecke, Dr. Landoldt and American arms manufacturer Diable Avionics then joined hands in their research, and in 2025, they completed the first of these machines, called the “wanderwagen” (from the German words wander, "to walk", and wagen, "car or carriage"), and abbreviated as WAW.

The following year, WAW began service in U.S.N. military. However, at this stage, the wanzer technology was still too expensive to have any practical uses in military. In 2029, the M.U.L.S. (Multi-Unit Link System) was created by Schnecke, Diable Avionics, English arms manufacturer Sender, and Australian arms manufacturer Jademetal as a standardized platform for WAW technology to reduce developmental costs. This system represented a worldwide collaboration involving many of the major world powers. That same year, the first mass-produced WAW, codenamed "Cicada", is completed. The U.S.N. Army purchased 97 of these machines, and the E.C.’s German Army ordered 15 of them.

Meanwhile, political strife in Africa led to the beginning of the African Conflict in 2034. Squadrons of O.C.U. WAWs were deployed to the battlefield in Africa. This is the first time the technology had been used in a combat situation; they proved to be very effective. Research and development began focusing on making WAWs more suitable for military operations.

It took several years, but in 2040, Schnecke and Diable Avionics released a new WAW standard tailored for military applications. Considerably cheaper and more powerful than before, the new MULS-P machines soon became a large part of militaries around the world. To distinguish them from normal WAWs, those made for military use were dubbed “wanderpanzers” (German for “walking armor”), or “wanzers” for short. And thus the wanzer as a weapon of war is born.

From this point forward, the wanzer became a standard piece of wartime machinery, appearing often in international skirmishes. When the First Huffman Conflict began in 2070, squads of wanzers were deployed to fight in the battles.

And as the wanzer continued to prove its worth on the battlefield, research and development continued at a brisk pace, to further advances in wanzer technology and build better, more powerful models. In the mid-22nd century, a new M.U.L.S. standard was formed to facilitate mass-production of advanced wanzers. Dubbed MULS-P2, this new standardization greatly reduced manufacturing costs and led to a decline in old wanzers as they were deemed inferior to the newer and larger models. Arms manufacturers slowly phased out the usage of old wanzers, relegating them to civilian uses, and began production of the new MULS-P2 compatible wanzers.

In-Game Mechanics

Wanzers differ from other combat units in that it has four modular parts: body, left arm, right arm, and legs. Each part serves a specific function and has its own health bar. Body keeps a wanzer operating and therefore upon its destruction, the wanzer would no longer be able to battle. Arms are equipped with weapons (But a small number of wanzers had bodies armed with weapons). If an arm is destroyed, the weapons equipped on it will not be usable. Legs enable movement and evasion and if destroyed, evasion function will be lost, and movement will be severely impaired. In Front Mission First, leg destruction cause mobility to decrease (the square of movments will be halved). In all other main series installments, leg destruction will disable any unit from moving beyond one square each turn. A wanzer can continue the battle even if its arms or legs are destroyed, but its performance will be impaired. Sometimes destroying the enemies' arms or legs first are preferrable because body usually has higher HP than other parts.
The back of Body can be equipped with backpacks, which has various functions such as emergency repair or holding items. Each arm has two slots for weapons: Shoulder and Hand. The hand can be equipped with guns or melee weapons, while the shoulder are typically for heavier weapons such as missile lauchers, grenade lauchers or cannons. However, most of the time players won't be able to fill all four slots due to limitation of weight. Other than more practical customization, the players can also choose the colors of their wanzers. However, this feature is purely aesthetic except in Front Mission Alternative and Front Mission: Online, where the color schemes can help players evade detection from enemy forces.

Wanzers can be improved to have higher HP and equipped with more powerful weapons as the game progresses. However, there are two main ways of improving the wanzers: purchasing and remodelling. The former involves buying latest parts and weapons from the wanzer shops and is used in entries such as Front Mission First, Front Mission 2 and Front Mission 4. The latter involves remodeling the older parts the wanzers already have, and is introduced in Front Mission: Gun Hazard, later seen in Front Mission 3 (named "upgrade" in this installment), and further expanded upon in Front Mission: Online and Front Mission 5: Scars of the War.

In Front Mission 3, the game featured pilots as attackable units. Like with wanzer parts, the pilot has its own HP bar. Upon destruction, the wanzer will stop functioning. Unlike the situation in which the body is destroyed, if an enemy's pilot is killed, the player could acquire his or her wanzer. The pilot can be damaged in the cockpit or be ejected. This feature is removed in later Front Mission installments.


Some Front Mission games have used different designations for Wanderung Panzer which can lead to confusion. This is the list:

Wanderung Panzer/Wanzer (WZR, WAP)
Wanderung Wagen/Walking Armored Wanzer (WAW)


Almost all playable characters in the series piloted wanzers.
The term "Wanzer" should correctly be pronounced "Vonser".
Отредактировано 22.05.2014 в 20:41

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