Финансы (глава 17): 1220 зм + 420 резидуума
(глава 16) 2660 зм
Свен: Accurate Staff Of Ruin +2 -> Accurate Staff Of Ruin +3
Джереми: (Arms/lvl5) Couters Of Second Chances: -1000 зм
Эффекты на всю группу:Helm of Battle - +1 item bonus к инициативе
Расходники:Джереми: (lvl5) Зелье лечения
Анис: (lvl5) Зелье лечения
Свен: (lvl1) Святая вода
Лилтьель: (lvl10) Potion of Clarity
Присцилла: (lvl5) Зелье лечения
Утал: (lvl1) Святая вода
Альбрехт: (lvl5) Зелье лечения
Брен: (lvl5) Зелье лечения
(1) Alarm, (1) Animal Messenger, (1) Tenser Floating Disk, (1) Brew Potion, (1) Fastidiousness, (2) Pyrotechnics
(4) Hand of Fate, (4) Enchant Magic Item, (4) Transfer Enhancement, (6) Disenchant Magic Item
Магические вещи:Общие: 6 Summoned Horses, Messenger Birds, Remove Affliction Ritual Scroll, Bag of Holding
Джереми: (Armor/lvl5) Deathcut Leather +1, (Weapon/lvl7) Pinning Longsword +2, (Neck/lvl7) Cloak of Resistance +2, (Arms/lvl5) Couters Of Second Chances, (Head/lv3) Circlet of Second Chances, (Waist/lvl5) Ironskin Belt, (Feet/lvl2) Acrobat Boots
Анис: (Armor/lvl7) Dwarven Finemail +2, (Weapon/lvl6) Holy Healer's Accurate Staff +2, (Neck/lvl7) Amulet of Resolution +2, (Helm/lvl9) Helm of Battle, (Hands/lvl4) Hedge Wizard's Gloves, (Wond/lvl5) Power Jewel, (Symbol/Lvl2) Belled Branch +1, (Feet/lvl2) Acrobat Boots
Свен: (Armor/lvl3) Cloth Armor of Sudden Recovery +1, (Weapon/lvl8) Accurate Staff of Ruin +3, (Weapon/lvl3) Rhythm Dagger +1, (Neck/lvl4) Lucky Charm +1, (Wondrous/lvl3) Siberys Shard of the Mage, (Feet/lvl2) Acrobat Boots
Лилтьель: (Armor/lvl6) Gambler's Suit Leather Armor +2, (Weapon/lvl8) Accurate wand of Inevitability +2, (Neck/lvl6) Amulet of Protection +2, (Boon/lvl3) Avandra's Blessing of Confidence, (Feet/lvl4) Wildrunners
Грегор: (Armor/lvl4) Wintersnap Leather Armor +1, (Weapon/lvl4) Shielding Blade Rapier +1, (Neck/lvl10) Wraith Stone +2, (Neck/lvl4) Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1, (Feet/lvl2) Acrobat Boots, (Arms/lvl4) Feyleaf Vambraces, (Hands/lvl4) Flaying Gloves
Брен: (Armor/lvl2) Dwarven Plate Armor +1, (Weapon/lvl5) Necroshard Longsword +1, (Neck/lvl2) Amulet of Resolution +1, (Hands/lvl4) Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier), (Wond/lvl3) Flask of the Dragon's Breath, (Wond/lvl5) Power Jewel.
Захария: (Armor/lvl5) Agile Plate Armor +1, (Shield/lvl2) Preservation Shield Heavy Shield, (Weapon/lvl3) Vanguard Bastard sword +1, (Neck/lvl2) Badge of the Berserker +1, (Feet/lvl2) Boots of Adept Charging
Утал: (Armor/lvl3) Whiteflame Scale Armor +1, (Neck/lvl2) Cloak of Resistance +1, (Weapon/lvl7) Devilblind Craghammer +2, (Arms/lvl4) Ranged Defender Light Shield, (Boon/lvl3) Moradin's Blessing of Iron
Присцилла: (Armor/lvl3) Stoneborn Plate +1, (Neck/lvl2) Cloak of Resistance +1, (Weapon/lvl4) Sunblade Longsword +1, (Arms/lvl4) Mountain Shield
Альбрехт: (Armor/lvl5) Invulnerable Coat of Suldolphor Scale Armor +1, (Neck/lvl1) Amulet of Protection +1, (Weapon/lvl3) Targeting Longbow +1
Shards:Mind Shard — Джереми
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An enemy marked by you hits your ally with a melee or ranged attack.
Effect: The enemy instead makes this attack against one of its allies of your choice (must be an eligible target otherwise).
Power (Encounter): Minor Action
Close Burst 5, One enemy marked by you in the burst
Effect: The target can not make attacks that do not include you as a target (save ends).
Property: Enemies marked by you that are adjacent to you do not gain combat advantage from flanking against your allies and the mark penalty to their attack rolls is -3.
Grasp Shard — Анис
Power (Daily): No Action
Effect: Yours or one of your allies' next skill check or saving throw will automatically succeed with the highest possible result.
Power (Daily): No Action
Effect: You and your allies can understand one additional spoken or written language that you can hear or see until the next long rest.
Property: The holder of this shard gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks and saving throws, and a +2 bonus to death saving throws.
Shard of Eternity – Лилтьель
Power (Daily): No Action
Effect: You regain the use of your encounter or daily power.
Power (Encounter): No Action
Trigger: An effect of your power that lasts until the start of your turn, or the end of your turn, or until its target or targets save from it, ends.
Effect: The triggering effect instead lasts until the end of your next turn.
Property: After a short rest, if this shard was in your possession for the whole duration of the rest, you regain 1 healing surge.
Body Shard — Брен
Power (Daily): Standard Action
Close burst 5, Allies in the burst
Effect: Roll 1d4+1. You can transfer that many surges between you and your allies in the burst, meaning that you can reduce the number of surges that you or your ally has left by one, and then increase the number of surges you or another one of your allies has by one. This can not increase the number of surges past the maximum number for that character.
Power (Encounter): Minor Action
Close Burst 5, One ally in the burst
Effect: Every time the target takes damage until the end of your next turn, it takes only half of that damage and you take the other half. The damage you take can not be resisted in any way, but otherwise can still be typed damage, if the original damage was typed. As a free action each turn you can sustain this effect.
Property: Your powers that allow you or your allies to gain hit points give their targets 1d4 additional hit points, and your powers that allow you or your allies to gain temporary hit points increase the amount of temporary hit points gained by 1.
Necroshard Weapon - Брен
Special: This weapon's properties work differently depending on the time of day.
Critical: +1d10 necrotic (night) or radiant (day) damage.
Property (night): Weapon attacks made with this weapon against living creatures can target Fortitude, but then they deal necrotic damage, and the target treats them as if they have resist 5 necrotic (or their necrotic resistance is increased by 5 if they already have it).
Property (day): Weapon attacks made with this weapon can deal radiant damage, and the target treats them as if they have vulnerable 2 radiant (or their radiant vulnerability is increased by 5 if they already have it), but then the attack must target the highest defense of the target.
Power (Daily, Necrotic): Free Action: Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target takes an extra 1d8 necrotic damage and is weakened until the end of your next turn. This power can only be used at night.
Power (Daily, Radiant): Free Action: Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage and is blinded until the end of your next turn. This power can only be used during the day.