[IK] Dead Man Walking | Описание игры

Статус:   Игра завершена
Количество игроков:   4
Мастер:   InanKy [offline]
Ассистент:   Нет
Система:   d100 + perks
Сеттинг:   The Wild Wicked West
Поддержка кубика:  
Постов мастера/всего:   16/73

#ИгрокРейтингПрисутствиеИмя персонажаКлассХодовПоследний ходСтатус
1 TellTale Heart 126/403 offline Jesse `Judge` Kirkland Marshal 6 22.11.2017 14:07 В игре
2 Doc_Jey 18/391 offline Juan Castro `Chacal Negro` Bandit in a past 6 25.11.2017 08:25 В игре
3 Artemis_E 803/7003 offline Jordan cabaret singer 5 23.11.2017 21:24 В игре
4 Вилли 857/9007 offline Steven Ingram Fast 6 23.11.2017 22:51 В игре
5 Black Dragon 615/10627 online Linda `Tombstone` Cain Pinkerton agent 7 23.11.2017 23:28 В игре
6 Calavera 839/6713 offline Carter `Dusty` Crowford Gunfighter 3 13.09.2017 13:27 Персонаж мертв
7 Гаресста 350/8210 offline Jane Smith Housekeeper 2 07.09.2017 23:45 Вне игры
8 Kravensky 735/4713 offline Brandon `Sick Bastard` Right Avenger 12 05.10.2017 18:03 Вне игры
9 Edda 1165/5715 offline Jenny `Penny` the real asshole 10 17.11.2017 17:37 Вне игры

What is a simple man to a king?
What is a king to a god?
What is a god to a man thirsty for revenge?

The answer is “nothing”. Just a hollow word.

So… You kinda died.
Yeah, I know. It’s really hard to believe this, but it’s the truth.
Why don’t you see Heaven, Angels and all this shit?
That’s obvious, man.
You don’t deserve it. But, you know what’s really funny?
You don’t deserve Hell as well.

But you deserve one more chance. And, actually, you already agreed on it.
So, you are to go there. Yeah, there.

And good luck. You won’t get another chance like this, friend. Next time you’ll die for real.
A little piece of advice: don’t disappoint the judges.


Who are you gonna play as?
Simple, but combat-oriented people from the Wild West. Cocky cowboys, restless soldiers, smart Pinkertons.
But no really bad guys. Because bad guys belong to Hell.

What are you to write in the character history?
General info. Relatives, friends, wives, children, favorite horse.
How you lived, what you did for life.
And why you want revenge. That’s the main point here.

You. Want. Revenge.
You may not even know who your Enemy is.
He just did something - and you must (like, really must) write what it was.

And your story stops at a point where you take your favorite gun (which one?) and set off on a journey.


Mechanical parts are to be left empty.
All of them, including stats.

- I want to look at the characters. I need to know them to create all the missing parts of the story in my mind.
- Not everyone will be picked for the game. I just won’t be able to keep adequate tempo if there are too many players. I’m sorry.
- Mechanical part of the characters will be decided by me. All the stats and perks. I’ll let you do minor tweaks, but the overall mechanics are up to me, based on your quentas.
- THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: everything in English. I'd really appreciate if you'll speak in english even in the discussions.