[PbtA] The fall of Gotland | ходы игроков | 0 session: World building

DungeonMaster SlavikDjan
10.09.2021 13:42
The island of Gotland is the same as in northern sagas. Steel waves are washing its rocky banks, low wet clould are running by winds from the west. Baltic sea surrounds the island and guards from outlander's invasions.
But the changes are slowly creeping into the island’s life. Cold war epoch left concrete bunkers facing towards the sea. Hippy epoch left a feeling of freedom and rotting WV minibuses with chamomile in the backyard of the most known island dwellers.
EC refugee policies left quarters inhabited by dark-haired men who are talking Swedish without any gotland’s dialect. Also the mosque was built not far from the Visby’s Cathedral.
Russian engineers opened their technical service office near Visby’s port. They have a submarine and two longloats to inspect and repair new underwater gas pipline nearby the island.
International concern is digging something very big in the closely guarded construction site on the north of the island.
And the changes continue.

Diocese of Visby SlavikDjan
03.10.2021 17:58
We are living here since our community recognized itself.
We are hardworking fishers, small business owners, clerks and communal services workers. We spent years and years to let our island be the place there everyone loves to live.
But our youth prefers to live in Stockholm and other big cites or even move to the continent.
We are going our best to keep all our small world running and we are happy to any new pair of arms, which agree to help us.
Alas, these who came on our invitation don't fully share our beliefs and our way of life. Our parish, our St. Luka kirka becomes not only the place there we meet, but the place very we feel safe. Safe on our own island, on the land of our fathers!
Introducing landmark: St.Luka krika and Community reeducation program nearby (boon).
our bane is the problem that we are not sure about the future. It seems that all in our next generation are sybarites.
And our threat is street gangs wars.
Отредактировано 18.01.2022 в 15:43

Black ravens SlavikDjan
22.10.2021 18:52
Having Norwegian passport is not enough to be truly Gotlander. Speaking Norwegian, especially with an accent, it not either.
These old liberals are living in a not existing world. The real world is rough. And we need to meet its heartless indifference with unity and steel in our bodies and hearts.
Bjorn Olesen is in prison, but Ravons are on flight. Every new day we continue our preparations, and we strengthening our positions and getting new allies, delivery light of truth to our society.
landmark: old shipyard - place for training and community gatherings
boon: protection for these who deserve that
bane: never-ending war with hostiles
Отредактировано 18.01.2022 в 15:34

Gotnat.se SlavikDjan
12.11.2021 01:29
We are stuck somewhere between past and forthcoming. We are not meeting each other often ofline, but we are interconnected, well-organized and good conversant with many details. Perhaps, too many details.
landmark: Neighborhood which is a no-go zone
boon: Places where sympathizers commonly tag with your symbol.
bane: The locations where digital outdoors are constantly getting hacked.

DungeonMaster SlavikDjan
11.12.2021 15:17
Our story is not starting right here.
Firstly, there was a time when Black ravens were in the serious trouble and were protected by gotnat se.
the bully guys with ancient runes tatoos recognize their hippy-like neighbors as a real.
Secondly, deniers helped chat-loving Gottlanders as well and covered thier last fuck up.
Thirdly, Black ravens have a complex relations with conventional part of Gotland's populace. They publicly endorsed Diocese of Visby's plight and judged the whole community as Fake. It look like something serious happen. Interesting, what was it?

Black ravens, what happened and what was a role of your Protagonist in that stories?
Please, describe him.
Current Black ravens's favors:
Отредактировано 16.01.2022 в 14:58

Black ravens SlavikDjan
15.01.2022 18:18
Finn Gotesbern. The first presponder. The Leader.
He is straight-forward guy and his fellows trust and respect him. His main aim right now is to rebuild all social ties, which are broken after the previous Black Ravens's leader was imprisoned.


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