ЛУТ (общий)
- 30 фунтов панцирей анкхегов.
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ИЗВЕСТНЫЕ РЕЦЕПТЫРецепт брони и щитов из хитиновых панцирей анкхеговПро материал:На крафт самому из этих щитков: вы способны что-то из них скрафтить, если имеете профиенси в Smith’s tools (кузнечных инструментах) или Leatherworker’s tools (инструментах кожевника) и с успехом бросили чек интеллекта(инструменты кузнеца или кожевника) против ДС10 (можно здесь кинуть или в своей комнате), чтобы понять каким образом можно изготовить доспехи из этого материала и как нужно их обрабатывать. Если значение броска будет выше 15, будет доступно больше опций для крафта. Доспехи [scale mail/ring mail/breastplate/chain mail/splint] Сам крафт идёт по правилам создания магического предмета (посчитал так, потому что доспехи из необычного материала в дмг находятся в списке магических предметов), то бишь за 1 день даунтайма ты крафтишь максимум 25гп стоимости готового предмета. Например, если предмет будет стоить 250гп, то нужно будет затратить 250гп и 10 даунтаймов (10х25=250), чтобы его сготовить. Также по правилам нужно быть персонажем 3 уровня, знать рецепт (его ты сейчас "узнал"/"придумал"/"вспомнил", кинув этот бросок интеллекта(кузнечные инструменты)), а также быть спеллкастером (это требование я опускаю, потому что по логике никакой магии при изготовлении тут не применяется) Итак, итоговая стоимость доспехов из хитиновых щитков равна [стоимости аналогичной брони] + [стоимость всяких дополнительных материалов для крафта (химикаты для укрепления, клей и прочее)]
[Аналог брони] Броня из щитков может быть аналогична по характеристикам средним доспехам (кроме hide(шкур) и chain shirt(кольчужной рубашки)), либо тяжелым. Учтите, что на аналог чешуйчатому доспеху/колечному/кирасе (scale mail/ring mail/breastplate) уйдёт 20 фунтов щитков, на кольчугу или наборный доспех (chain mail/splint) — все 30.
[Допматериалы] От дополнительных материалов и зависит весь итоговый результат. На выбор даю три опции: 1) Самая бедная — 100гп на материалы. С помощью них удастся скрепить щитки в доспех, наклеить на кожанку или стёганку, если нужно, но никаких особых крутых свойств ждать не стоит. Да, доспех получится зелёным, да, за счёт материала он будет лёгким (скинет сколько-то фунтов, однако дизадвантаж к скрытности и требование по силе для ношения, если они есть у брони-образца, сохранятся) и, да, вряд ли вы найдёте кого-либо ещё в таких доспехах. О, а ещё, раз доспехи не из металла, их могут носить друиды (у них как раз профиенси в средних доспехах есть). 2) Средняя — 250гп на материалы. Удалось упрочнить щитки или по-особому из них соорудить доспех. Доспех из них выйдет чуточку круче аналогичных доспехов по защитным характеристикам. +1 к АС аналога (например, 15+2 декс для чешуйчатого вместо 14+2, как должно быть). 3) Богатая — 500гп на материалы. Это уже совсем серьёзная вещь, даёт не только +1 к АС от аналога, но и уменьшает колющий и режущий урон от немагического оружия на 3.
Пример: сделаем аналог chain mail'а из хитиновых щитков по самой крутой опции. Итоговая стоимость: 75 + 500 = 575. Чтобы её скрафтить, придётся затратить: 30 фунтов щитков, 575 гп и 23 даунтайма. На выходе получится: доспех из панциря анкхегов, зелёненький, 30 фунтов весу (против 55 обычного), 17 АС (вместо 16 АС) и поглощает 3 ед. колющего или рубящего урона немагического оружия. ЩитНасадить чешую анкхега на щит — да, можно. Допустима самая бедная опция (110гп в сумме), которая украсит щит просто, средняя (260гп в сумме), которая даст резистанс к кислоте, и самая богатая(510гп), которая подарит дополнительно +1 к АС. Потратить потребуется 10 фунтов анкхегова панциря, однако готовое изделие будет весить 4 фунта против 6 фунтов аналога.
Изменение веса: Scale Mail 45lb --> 20lb Breastplate 20lb --> 17lb Chain Mail 55lb --> 30lb Splint 60lb --> 40lb Shield 6lb --> 4lb
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Крафт в походных условияхCrafting Difficulty TableCrafting Level | Title | Proficiency Req./Crafting Slots | Known Recipes DC | Experimentation DC 1st Novice 2 DC11 DC12 2nd Intermediate 3 DC12 DC14 3rd Advanced 4 DC13 DC16 4th Master 5 DC14 DC18 5th Grand Master 6 DC15 DC20 Как в Experimentation Table'ах указано, такая у рецептов и сложность. Нашёл такие ошибки в описаниях рецептов каллиграфии, гербализма и тинкеринга. В описаниях самих рецептов могут быть ошибки по части сложности.Два — небольшое дополнение: при неудаче на крафте использованные крафт-слоты также закрываются до следующего лонгреста. Надо тщательней решать, что крафтить. Невозможно крафтить ровно до тех пор, пока все крафт-слоты не будут закрыты успешными результатами, — время у вас не резиновое во время лонгреста, чтобы через десяток неудач получить наконец 3 успеха.Правила:When a character gains proficiency with the Alchemist, Brewer, Calligrapher, Tinker tools or the Herbalist or Poison kits, they learn a selection of new recipes to create consumables to aid them on their adventures. While the knowledge as an apprentice is limited, growing experienced through trade and adventuring, the character becomes a skilled artisan. Begin by choosing 3 recipes from the starter list of 5 and adding them to a recipe book. The character can further develop their skills by studying recipes that they find or by experimentation.
Once per day during a long rest, a character may wish to craft a known recipe or experiment to discover new recipes. A character's crafting level is tied to its proficiency bonus. When a character gains experience and levels, their proficiency in crafting also increases.
In order to create a product, a number of crafting slots are required equal to the crafting level. The maximum number of crafting slots a character has available is equal to the character's proficiency bonus. (A 1st level crafting requires one slot, a 2nd level crafting requires two slots, and so on.) These crafting slots are locked until the product is consumed or destroyed. A character cannot сreate product above their crafting level. Example: A level 2 Gnome Fighter has proficiency with the Brewer's Supplies. He can craft two 1st level recipes and cannot craft anything above his crafting level. His two crafting slots are locked until he consumes or destroys his brews. A level 6 Dwarf Cleric has proficiency with the Brewer's Supplies. He can craft one 2nd level recipe and one 1st level recipe or three 1st level. His three crafting slots are locked until he consumes or destroys his brews.
Crafting Check Rules To craft recipes, a character begins by stating whether they are using a known recipe or experimenting. (Example: the DC of a known Novice difficulty recipe is 11). Reference the Crafting Difficulty Class table to determine the appropriate DC for recipe. A character then uses the necessary tool or kit to make a Crafting Skill check by rolling a d20 and adding their proficiency bonus against the DC of the recipe. If a known recipe was successful, the character produces an amount indicated by the recipe and the required crafting slots are locked. Spell, Class and race features such as lucky or inspiration do not affect a Crafting Skill check, however if an ally with proficiency in the respective tool offers help, the character may roll the Crafting Skill check at advantage. A character that assists a Crafting Skill check must spend the entire duration helping.
Learning New Recipes Unique recipes are often developed through experimentation and refining technique. Often times, recipes and methods by two different people can look completely different but still result in the same effect. As a result, you cannot learn recipes from another player character without the DM's approval. As your crafting levels increases, you unlock the potential to learn new recipes or enhance existing recipes. You can choose to experiment when crafting to see what combinations and mixtures of components yield.
Trainers and Rare Recipes The DM may decide that certain cities or locations may have knowledge of some recipes you can learn. Additionally, some recipes may be found on scrolls or texts that you come across. The cost to learn these is equal to crafting cost.
Successful Experimentation When a character succeeds on an experiment, the DM may choose a specific result or may roll a d100 on the Experimentation tables for the corresponding craft. If the recipe is unknown, the character learns the new recipe and add it to their recipe book. Some recipes cannot be learned and they will indicated so. Some recipes will require have additional requirements in order to properly learn through experimentation. Anybody can mix a few things together and get lucky with their results, but it takes a dedicated craftsman to document and develop their findings. With experience comes intuition and if a character experiments to create recipes lower than their current level, the DM rolls twice on the d100 Experimentation tables and the player chooses between the two results.
Crafting in Poor Environments Sometimes the environmental conditions are not appropriate for crafting. If the DM determines a character is unable to craft in a suitable environment such as an inn or respective place of business, the character must roll their Crafting Skill check as disadvantage.
Overlapping Effects Consumables also have very potent and distinct effects that often do not work well when mixed with products of the same craft. In these cases the new crafting overwrites the older one.
Downtime Experiments Downtime is an excellent time for experimenting on new and unique recipes. If a character spends 1 hour every day for two consecutive days experimenting, they are able to roll on a d100 table 1 time. As long as any prerequisites are satisfied, the characters learns each recipe. Downtime experiments do not yield any usable products and materials and gold are not consumed.
Properties, Yield, and the Market Recipes can produce all manner of strange and exotic affects and the quality of components can range from common to exceptionally rare. Some of the results produced by the recipes have limited shelf lives or multiple uses. Consult the recipe list for properties, crafting costs, yield, and other information. Products made by crafting are not capable of being sold on the market. Most shops are aware of the limitation of crafting locks and will not purchase a consumable crafted in this fashion.
Variant: Critical Success and Devastating Failure On a result of 20, a character yields an additional experimental product. For example: If a character has a critical success on a roll for a known recipe they also roll on the Experimentation tables. If a character has a critical success on an experimentation, they roll on the Experimentation tables for the initial result and then immediately rolls for the second result. On a critical failure, the recipe has gone horrendously awry causing disastrous, if not explosive, results. The character receives 1 level of exhaustion and may not attempt to craft recipe again for 1d4 days. CalligraphyCalligraphy is the art of understanding and manipulating arcane, divine, and natural forces around you. Calligraphers can alter and enhance spells, detect magic and poison, commune with the natural and unnatural, and summon paper and ink helpers. When you make a Crafting skill check for calligraphy, you must subtract gold from your inventory representing the components necessary for crafting. A DM may also require the components be purchased in advance of the check. Similar to rituals, calligraphy does use not spell slots. However, like other crafting professions, scripts can only be crafted during a long rest. All scripts are single use. Script Level Component Cost Novice 10gp Intermediate 25gp Advanced 50gp Master 100gp Grand Master 250gpWhen you first learn to use the calligrapher's supplies, choose three of the five starting scripts, representing the crafting recipes you learned to develop as you practiced your skills to novice level. You will learn additional scripts as you develop your techniques and hone your recipes. For a complete list of Script Descriptions, reference Appendix C. Calligraphy Starting Recipes Broad Script Ink Servant Magic Detection Scroll Precision Script Short-handed ScriptSpell Slots and RestrictionsUnlike potions, scripts require a level of understanding of the magical world. Scripts enhance a user's current understanding of the magic they already posses. Because of this, some scripts have class restrictions in line with the classes schools of magic. Many scripts can be activated in advance and some may be activated during bonus actions. Unlike potions, scripts may require concentration. Calligraphy Experimentation Table: Noviced100 Recipe Result 1-12 Altering Script 13-24 Broad Script 25-36 Ink Servant 37-48 Magic Detection Scroll 49-60 Precision Script 61-72 Short-handed Script 73-84 Trap Detection Scroll 85-90 Basic Duplication Script 91-95 Unusable Results 96-100 Roll d100 on Calligraphy Experimentation Table: Intermediate Calligraphy Experimentation Table: Intermediated100 Recipe Result 1-12 Encircling Script 13-24 Fortuitous Script 25-36 Ink Devil 37-48 Long-handed Script 49-60 Paper Illusion 61-72 Paper Shelter 73-84 Poison and Disease Detection Scroll 85-90 Greater Duplication Script 91-95 Roll d100 on Calligraphy Experimentation Table: Novice 96-100 Roll d100 on Calligraphy Experimentation Table: AdvancedСтартовые рецепты по каллиграфии (выбираются 3 из 5 перечисленных): Broad Script Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action or 1 bonus action Duration: 1 hour Class: Any After reading these tall broad-stroked words from the parchment, the world feels a little smaller. The next spell that has a range of 5 feet or more has it's range doubled. If the spell has a range of touch, it has a range of 30 feet instead.
Ink Servant Difficulty: Master Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour Class: Bard, Warlock, Wizard After reading these words, the ink floats off the page form an amorphous semi humanoid shape before disappearing. You cast the Unseen Servant spell.
Magic Detection Scroll Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Class: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard After reading these words, the world appears in faded and desaturated. You cast the Detect Magic spell. Magical creatures and objects within 30 feet appear vivid and colorful.
Precision Script Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action or 1 bonus action Duration: 1 hour Class: Any After reading these tightly written and neatly formed words from the parchment, you feel a grand sense of order in the chaos of the world. When you cast the next that targets an area, you may choose up to 3 creatures to automatically succeed on its saving throw against the spell.
Short-handed Script Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action or 1 bonus action Duration: 1 hour Class: Any After reading these small-stroke quickly written words from the parchment, you feel that the world begins to slow down as your own time begins to quicken. The next spell you cast that has a casting time of 1 action, you can change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting. You may only cast this script once per day.
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HerbalismHerbalism is the art of selecting, preparing, and harnessing the power of natural herbs. The effects of herbs mimic and enhance class features and feats. Herbalists use their crafting slot to preserve the potency of the prepared herb. When you make a Crafting skill check for herbalism, you must subtract gold from your inventory representing the components necessary for crafting. A DM may also require the components be purchased in advance of the check. Herb Level Component Cost Novice 10gp Intermediate 25gp Advanced 50gp Master 100gp Grand Master 250gpWhen you first learn to use the herbalism kit, choose three of the five starting herbs, representing the crafting recipes you learned to develop as you practiced your skills to novice level. You will learn to prepare and preserve additional herbs as you develop your techniques and hone your recipes. For a complete list of Herb Descriptions, reference Appendix D. Herbalism Starting Recipes Blue Aloe Rageleaf Mint Sprig Ginger Root Shade PalmHerbal ToxicityHerbs have mild toxicity that does not harm creatures in small quantities. A character that eats more than one herb suffers an additional level of exhaustion for each herb beyond the first consumed per long rest. Class EnhancementsWhile herbs can mimic class features, it also enhances a classes existing capabilities. Some of these herbs have special properties, durations, and can be activated during actions, bonus actions, or reactions. As an example, Mint Sprig allows a character to use a bonus action to recover 1d6 + half of their level rounded down of hit points. If a fighter uses Mint Sprig they may consume Second Wind during the same bonus action. Rageleaf may be used on a bonus action to reduce bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by 1 for a duration of 1 minute. A Barbarian may enter a rage when using Rageleaf during the same bonus action. Herbalism Experimentation Table: Noviced100 Recipe Result 1-13 Blue Aloe 14-26 Ginger Root 27-39 Mint Sprig 40-52 Rageleaf 53-65 Shade Palm 66-78 Swamp Grape 79-91 Thick Cap 92-95 Unusable Results 96-100 Roll d100 on Herbalism Experimentation Table: IntermediateHerbalism Experimentation Table: Intermediated100 Recipe Result 1-13 Cottontail 14-26 Fireweed 27-39 Oak Thistle 40-52 Red Ash Bark 53-65 Silverleaf 66-78 Sweetvine 79-91 Yellowbells 92-95 Roll d100 on Herbalism Experimentation Table: Novice 96-100 Roll d100 on Herbalism Experimentation Table: AdvancedСтартовые рецепты по гербализму (выбираются 3 из 5 перечисленных): Blue Aloe Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action or 1 bonus action Duration: 1 minute After eating this herb, the scent of strong evil becomes much more potent and pungent, while good sounds like harmonic chimes. Until the end of the spell, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type of being whose presence you sense, but not its identity. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any plane or objects that has been consecrated or desecrated. Class Specific Bonus: Paladin The radius of Blue Aloe increases to 180 feet for Paladins.
Rageleaf Difficulty: Advanced Casting Time: 1 action or 1 bonus action Duration: 1 minute After eating this herb, you feel a hot anger come over you. For the duration of the herb's effect, you reduce damage taken by bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing effects by 1. Class Specific Bonus: Barbarian When a barbarian uses Rageleaf, they may also choose to enter one of its rages during the same action or bonus action.
Mintsprig Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 bonus action Duration: Instantaneous After eating this herb, you taste an invigorating and relaxing mint flavor. You regain hit points equal to 1d6 + half of your character's level rounded up. Class Specific Bonus: Fighter When a fighter uses Mint Sprig, it may also choose to use second wind during the same bonus action.
Shade Palm Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour After eating this herb, the shadows deepen around your body. You gain +2 to Dexterity stealth ability checks. Class Specific Bonus: Ranger The current terrain is favored terrain for Rangers.
Ginger Root Difficulty: Novice Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour After eating this herb, you feel sly and spry. For the duration of the herb's effect, you can take a bonus action on each of your turns to Dash or Disengage. Class Specific Bonus: Rogue Rogues affected by Ginger Root can choose the Dodge action for Cunning Action.
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