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Уве (Uwe)
Characteristics: Int -2, Per 2, Pre 0, Com -3, Str 3, Sta 2, Dex 2, Qik 1
Size: 0
Age: 26
Decrepitude: 0
Confidence Score: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Peasant (free), Intuition, Tough, Strong Willed; Humble, Motion Sickness, Fear (knights)
Personality Traits: Loyal +2, Silent +2, Hard-working +3
Combat: Soak: 3
Combat Fist: Init 1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +3 Kick: Init 0, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage +6 Bludgeon: Init 1, Attack +7, Defense +4, Damage +5
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Rhine Lore 3 (villages), Durenmar lore 2 (covenfolk), Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 2 (alertness), Bargain 3 (carpenter), Brawl 3 (punches), Carouse 3 (sober), Craft 4 (carpenter), Folk Ken 3 (peasants), Guile 1 (lying to authority), Hunt 3 (tracking), Native Language 5 (swabian), Stealth 1(natural areas), Survival 3 (forest), Swim 3(long dst.).
Inventory: peasant clothes
Encumbrance: 0
Appearance: Уве Плотник — высокий широкоплечий мужчина с выдубленной работой на солнце кожей и мозолистыми руками. Родившись сервом, он бежал от своего жестокого хозяина и нашел прибежище в Дуренмаре. До сих пор он живет в животном страхе перед представителями рыцарского сословия.
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Николаус Худой (Nicolaus The Gaunt)
Characteristics: Int –1, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: 0
Age: 25 (25)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Wanderer; Warrior; Weakness (drinks)
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal +2, Superstitious +2
Reputation: none
Combat: - Axe & Heater Shield: Init +0, Attack +12, Defense +11, Damage +7 - Fist: Init –1, Attack +7, Defense +7, Damage +1 Soak: +8 (full metal scale armor)
Fatigue Levels:OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious Wound Penalties:–1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Abilities: Swabia Lore 3 (taverns), Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (in combat), Bows 4 (short bow), Brawl 4 (punching), Carouse 3 (drinking), Charm 2 (opposite sex), Etiquette 2 (magi), Great Weapon 4 (pole axe), Guile 2 (avoiding duties), High German 5 (rude words), Single Weapon 5 (heater shield), Survival 1 (for a short period)
Inventory: Axe, Heater Shield, Full metal scale armor, pack containing gear to care for weapons and armor and establish camps when traveling. Encumbrance: 3 (4)
Appearance: Николаус — наемник вышедший из среды германского крестьянства. Его прозвище — "Худой" — несомненно, является своеобразной шуткой. По виду Николаус — пухлощекий и крутобокий немец с длинными светлыми волосами и красным носом похожим на картошину. Его глаза смотрят с хитринкой. Он страшно суеверен и служит Леонхарду из Дома Бьерней в качестве личного телохранителя, щитового грога.
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Эрвин, тремерский слуга (Erwin, the tremere’s manservant)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com +1, Str –1, Sta –1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: –1
Age: 28 (28)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Educated, Gossip, Keen Vision; Continence, Small Frame, Weakness (for books)
Personality Traits: Sour +1, Hedonistic –3, Loyal +1
Reputations: None
Combat: Fist: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Damage –1 Soak: –1 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13+)
Abilities: Low German 5 (Saxon), Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Awareness 4 (search), Bargain 2 (fine goods), Brawl 1 (fist), Carouse 1 (staying sober), Charm 2 (first impressions), Coeris Lore 2 (who’s who), Etiquette 2 (magi), Folk ken 3 (magi), Guile 3 (magi), Intrigue 3 (plots), Latin 4 (Hermetic use), Legerdemain 3 (pilfering), Profession: steward 3 (magus’s valet), Stealth 3 (sneaking), Vlach 5 (Romanian), Profession: scribe 1 (hermetic texts), Magyar 1(Transylvanian), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Tremere)
Equipment: none
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Appearance: Эрвин родился в Цара-Бырсее около трех десятилетий назад. Его родителями были саксонцы-колонисты. В возрасте 8 лет он был продан слугой в Кеорис. Там он был обучен письму и латинской грамоте и служил с тех пор как персональный валет ряда тремерских магов. Михай — его последний господин, Эрвин перешел к нему от учителя нашего молодого героя, архимага Альберта. За время своей службы в Кеорисе Эрвин научился одному или двум трюкам, которых обычно не ждешь от простого слуги. Так, он держит уши востро и не упускает шанса способствовать возвышению своего нынешнего покровителя. Он крайне пессимистичный и безрадостный человек вне своей службы. Он питает некую слабость к книгам, с которыми ему иногда приходится работать, но к удовольствиям чрева и плоти он равнодушен.
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Джузеппе из Болоньи (Giuseppe of Bologna), телохранитель Амадея
Characteristics: Int +1, Per -1, Pre +2, Com -1, Str +2, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik -1
Size: 0
Age: 32
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Wanderer; Warrior; Reckless (minor)
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal +1, Reckless +3
Reputation: 0
Short Spear (on foot): Init +1, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +5 Short Spear (mounted): Init +1, Attack +12, Defense +10, Damage +5 Dagger: Init -1, Attack +4, Defense +0, Damage +3
Soak: + 2 (+1 Stamina, +1 armor)
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Hunt 6 (Boar), Single Weapon 5 (Short Spear), Ride 3 (Forest), Animal Handling 3 (Horse), Brawl 1 (Punching), Living Language 5 (Italian (Emilian)), Living Language 3 (Low German (Saxon)), Area Lore 3 (Emilia (Forests), Guile 2 (Lying to Authority), Folk Ken 3 (Peasants), Survival 2 (Forest)
Encumbrance: 0 (2)
Equipment: Partial quilted armor with green cape, short spear, dagger, riding horse
Appearance: Высокий худой человек и мечущимся неспокойным взором. Большую часть жизни Джузеппе прослужил егерем в маноре одного знатного синьора, известного любителя охоты, живущего под Болоньей. Впрочем, недавно его хозяин умер, завещав имение, где обитал наш егерь соседнему монастырю. Монахи не нашли применение услугам Джузеппе. Амадей из Дома Йербитон - нашел. Он нанял его в качестве телохранителя.
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Хьюго, Норберт и Густав (Hugo, Norbert & Gustav), оруженосцы Зигхарта
Characteristics: Int –1, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: 0
Age: 25 (25)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Brother Sergeant; Pious.
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal to Teutonic Order +2, Pious +1
Reputations: None
Axe & Heater Shield: Init +1, Attack +12, Defense +11, Damage +7 Axe & Heater Shield (while mounted): Init +1, Attack +15, Defense +14, Damage +7 Fist: Init –1, Attack +7, Defense +7, Damage +1
Soak: +10 (full chain mail armor)
Fatigue Levels:OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Abilities: Burzenland Lore 3 (churches), Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (in combat), Bows 2 (short bow), Brawl 4 (punching), Riding 3 (in combat), Teutonic Order Lore 2 (personalities), Etiquette 2 (nobles), Great Weapon 4 (pole axe), Low German 5 (Saxon), Single Weapon 5 (heater shield), Survival 1 (for a short period)
Equipment: Axe, Heater Shield, Full chain mail armor, tabard with black Teutonic cross, riding horse, pack containing gear to care for weapons and armor and establish camps when traveling.
Encumbrance: 2 (3)
Appearance: Саксонские оруженосцы, которых Зигхарт привел с собой из земель Тевтонского Ордена в Цара-Бырсее.
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Йорг (Jorg), телохранитель Грегориоса
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +2, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 30
Decrepitude: 0
Confidence Score: 1 (4)
Virtues and Flaws: Wanderer (Free, Social Status Virtue), Improved Characteristics, Warrior, Well-Traveled, Carefree, Incomprehensible, Poor Student
Personality Traits: Faithful +2, Lazy +2, Optimistic +3
Dodging: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +4, Damage n/a Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4, Damage +2 Kick: Init 0, Attack +4, Defense +3, Damage +5 Bludgeon: Init +1, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +4 Knife: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +4 Hatchet: Init +1, Attack +9, Defense +6, Damage +6 Knife Throw: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +4, Range 5 Stone Throw: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +4, Range 5 Sling: Init -2, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +6, Range 20
Soak: 3 (Heavy Leather Armor)
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (horses), Area Lore: Holy Roman Empire 1 (geography), Area Lore: Greece 1 (geography), Athletics 3 (weight lifting), Awareness 5 (keeping watch), Bargain 3 (food), Brawl 3 (grappling), Carouse 2 (staying sober), Charm 1 (first impression), Chirurgy 1 (binding wounds), Crossbows 1 (L. Crossbow), Etiquette 1 (soldiers & camp followers), Folk Ken 3 (soldiers & camp followers), Great Weapon 1 (staff), Guile 3 (fast talk), Hunt 2 (tracking), Leadership 1 (intimidate), Living Language: Low German (Native) 5 (saxon), Living Language: French 3 (military terms), Living Language: Lingua Franca 2 (eastern), Living Language: Romaic Greek 4 (curses & obscenities), Profession: Servant 1 (day-to-day care), Ride 1 (staying in saddle), Single Weapon 4 (hatchet), Stealth 2 (hide), Survival 2 (woods), Swim 1 (long distances), Thrown Weapon 3 (sling)
Encumbrance: 0 (4)
Appearance: И еще один саксонский громила.
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Залхоннан, Дарклаус и Азалан, проводники из Дуренмара
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +3, Pre –2, Com –2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2 Size: 0 Age: 20 (20) [Age 21 (21) для Залхоннана] Decrepitude: 0 Warping Score: 1 (0) Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Warrior; Tough; Warped by Magic (Grogs, p.85), Pessimistic; Social Handicap (albinism)* * — from Warping Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal +1, Sociable –2 Reputations: None
Combat: Short Bow: Init –1, Attack +9, Defense +6, Damage +6 Dagger: Init +0, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +2
Soak: +6 (partial leather armor, Stamina, Tough)
Fatigue Levels:OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20) Abilities: Durenmar Region Lore 4 (game trails), Athletics 1 (climbing), Awareness 5 (woodlands), Bows 4 (shooting from cover), Hunt 5 (deer), (Durenmar-born Covenfolk Pseudo-)Latin 5 (talking about forests), Stealth 2 (hunting), Survival 4 (woodlands) [+ Leadership 2 (in combat) для Залхоннана] Equipment: Partial heavy leather, dagger, short bow, arrows, survival kit. [+ knife для Азалана] Encumbrance: 2 (2) Appearance: Три охотника-альбиноса, выделенные партии Мюрион и Филипом Нигером в качестве проводников.
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Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik -2
Size: 0
Age: 28
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Wandered; Warrior, Obsessed (Big Game Hunting)
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal +2, Ambitious (Kill the Largest Prey) +2
Reputation: 0
Shortsword: Init -2, Attack +9, Defense +3, Damage +6 Short Bow: Init -4, Attack +11, Defense +4, Damage +7 Shortsword (mounted): Init -2, Attack +13, Defense +7, Damage +6 Short Bow (mounted): Init -4, Attack +14, Defense +8, Damage +7
Soak: 2
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Single Weapon 3 (Shortsword), Bow 5 (Short Bow), Brawl 1 (Punching), Stealth 3 (In Forest), Hunt 5 (With Bow), Survival 5 (Forest), Area Lore 3 (Emilia(Forests)), Living Language 5 (Italian(Emilian)), Living Language 3 (Low German(Saxon)), Ride 3 (Forest), Animal Handling 3 (Horse), Charm 3 (Storytelling)
Encumbrance: 1 (2)
Equipment: Quilted Armor with Green Cape, Shortsword, Short Bow, Quiver with Arrows, Riding Horse, Hunting Horn
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Раймунд-с-топором, телохранитель Анхелики
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Str +3, Sta +2, Pre -2, Com -1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: +1 Age: 25
Decrepitude: 0 Confidence Score: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Large, Tough, Warrior, Afflicted Tongue, Continence, Missing Ear
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Brave +2, Superstitious +1.
Dodging: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5, Damage n/a Fist: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +3 Kick: Init 0, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +6 Bludgeon: Init +1, Attack +8, Defense +6, Damage +5 Short Sword: Init +2, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +8 Pole Axe: Init 0, Attack +12, Defense +7, Damage +14 Stone Throw: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +5, Damage +5, Range 5 Knife Throw: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +5, Damage +5, Range 5 Cross Bow: Init +6, Attack +9, Defense +5, Damage +11, Range 25
Soak: 9 (Metal Scale (Partial), Tough)
Fatigue Levels:OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1–6), –3 (7–12), –5 (13–18), Incapacitated (19–24)
Abilities: Area Lore: 1 HRE (Military), Athletics 3 (Stronglifting), Awareness 4 (Bodyguarding), Brawl 4 (Bludgeon), Carouse 2 (Drinking songs), Folk Ken 1 (Warriors), Hunt 1 (Tracking), L. Language: High German (Native) 5 (Warriors), L. Language: French 3 (Warriors), Stealth 1 (Sneak), Survival 1 (Mountains), Swim 1 (Mountain rivers), Crossbows 3 (Crossbow), Great Weapon 5 (Pole axe), Single Weapon 4 (S. Sword), Thrown Weapon 1 (Knife), Dead Language: Latin 3 (Speak with Magi)
Encumbrance: 0 Appearance: громила-милишник, одноухий заика
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Раймунд-с-косичкой, телохранитель Анхелики
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Str +2, Sta +1, Pre -1, Com -2, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: 0 Age: 25
Decrepitude: 0 Confidence Score: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Keen Vision, Puissant Ability (Bows), Warrior, Disfigured, Pious, Poor Student
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Brave +2, Clever +1.
Dodging: Init +2, Attack n/a, Defense +5, Damage n/a Fist: Init +2, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +2 Kick: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +5 Bludgeon: Init +2, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +4 Short Sword: Init +3, Attack +11, Defense +7, Damage +8
Stone Throw: Init +2, Attack +4, Defense +5, Damage +4, Range 5 Knife Throw: Init +2, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +4, Range 5 Long Bow: Init +0, Attack +14, Defense +5, Damage +10, Range 30
Soak: 3 (Metal Reinf Leather)
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Area Lore: Alps 1 (Military), Athletics 3 (Climbing), Awareness 4 (Alertness), Bargain 1 (Furs), Brawl 3 (Daggers), Carouse 1 (Power drinking), Chirurgy 1 (Binding wounds), Folk Ken 1 (Peasants), Hunt 3 (Tracking), Leadership 1 (Intimidation), L. Language: High German (Native) 5 (Warriors), Stealth 3 (Sneak), Survival 3 (Woodlands), Swim 1 (Diving), Bows 7 (Long bow), Single Weapon 4 (S. Sword), Thrown Weapon 1 (Knife), Dead Language: Latin 3 (Speak with Magi)
Encumbrance: 0 Appearance: лучник, рожа в шрамах, муж Гретты
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