Оружие: RevolverKindRanged Versatile Reload Weapon
Range: 40 feet
Rounds: 6
Major action: Make a ranged attack against a single target within range. Decrease rounds by 1.
Major action: Make one ranged attack at each target within range. Decrease rounds by 1 per attack made.
Double Tap
Major action: Make two Gun abilitech attacks, each with disadvantage, each against a single target within range.
Major action: Make a ranged attack against all targets within range, targeting Fortitude resistance. For each target, if you break resistance, they are Dazed and Deafened for 1 round. Decrease rounds by 1.
Fresh Clip
Major and minor action: Fully restore rounds. May be done as a minor to restore 1 round.
BikeKindSpecial Versatile Esoteric Control Weapon
Range: 5 feet (melee), 0 feet (control) (rider must be on saddle)
Esoteric: INT
Cache: INT, multiplier 3
Major action: Your minion makes a melee attack against a single target within range.
Major action: Your minion makes a melee attack against three targets within range.
Full-round action: Move your speed in a line. You may move through enemies' spaces during this movement. You then make one Bike attack against each target within range at any point during this movement.
Tokyo Drift
Major action: I've just been in this place before. Your minion makes a melee attack against a single target within range. If you hit, you impose two d4 Block dice to the target's next attack targeting AC made within one round. If you are a psion, these are reduced to d3. Decrease cache by 1.
Exhaust Smoke
Major action: RPGStuck does not endorse doing this in real life. Your minion makes a melee attack against a single target within range, targeting Fortitude resistance. If you break resistance, the target is Impaired for 2 rounds. Decrease cache by 1.
Major action: Pop a wheelie! ...right onto someone's face. Your minion makes a melee attack against a single target within range. The target must be Exposed, Prone, or Stuck. Decrease cache by 1.
Notes: When you equip BikeKind, you gain a mountable motorbike with a speed equal to your base speed plus ten. It is Large, with 40*Q hit points and AC/resistances of 12+Q.
Your abilitechs have the Lunge property while using this specibus.
If used one-handed, you can act with the unused hand as if you had both hands, but any attacks and checks made this way have disadvantage.
On patrol:You learn the following maneuvers, and can use one per round as a free action.
>Hammershot: When you land a damaging attack, the target is also Dazed for 1 round.
>Fieldcraft: When you make a skill check against a target’s resistance, you add +3 to the check.
>Fortify: Whenever you are in cover, increase any defensive bonuses from it by +2 until you move again.
Хаммерспэйс Packrat.60 слотов инвентаря, и размер содержимого каждого - на 1 больше, чем ваш собственный. Минус в том, что атаки Извлечением наносят всего 1 урона. Навык Хаммерспейса - атлетика
1. Блокнот с карандашом и ручкой
2 Рюкзак
3 Сразу Собранная Палатка
4 Спальник с пенкой
5. Пакет с нижним бельём и носками
6 Запасное пальто
7 Запасная верхняя одежда
8 Набор инструментов
9 Гитара
10 Аптечка
11 Набор посуды
12. Запасные детали для мотоцикла
13 - Резерв Для Мотоцикла
14 Набор для чистки оружия
15 Карта местности
16 Ящик саморазогревающихся рационов
17 Ящик разнообразных напитков
18 Набор для выживания (лопата, топор, охотничьи спички, веревка, компас)
19 Скалолазный набор
20 Пять блоков сигарет и десять зажигалок
21 Сто рулонов туалетной бумаги и куча прокладок
22 Небольшой книжный шкаф
23 Мощный фонарь
24 Завещание (конверт, написано "Открыть тому, кто меня убил")
25 Простая сигнальная система - банки на проволоке.
26 Запасные мотоциклетные очки с поляризованными стёклами и обычные, солнцезащитные
27 Три купальника и шезлонг с тремя пакетами чипсов и бутылкой виски