[Cortex] Into the Crimson Code [EN] | ходы игроков | Character Creation

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 01:14
    General Generation

A name or preferably an alias, as there are definitely going to be more than one Jesse Jenkins, the value of a given name is a little bit diminished.

We are talking multiverse here, so just Human won't suffice, there needs to be some clarification, like Nice Human from Universe 69, or something. Or you could not even be Human at all!

You can go wild with the expected role, find best character description... or just simply write Viper Alter, but that's...

Not evil is good enough.

Art (preferably anime) and some basic Description. Technically multiverse is far and wide, so appearance can be quite wacky. Also clothes are important, because style is of value here.

The defining qualities of your character and also their quirks. Viper was never a paragon of justice, as he literally avoided any and all legal work with all of his hero stuff.

Basically the life before character was transported to this world. How did they get power? What kind of power? How did they learn of responsibility? What made them a Viper-Alter? Snakes?
And don't forget to add Milestones here!

≫ Three distinctions
≫ Distributed fashion
≫ Two Power Sets with six (1d10, 2d8, 3d6) powers distributed between them.
≫ Three SFX
≫ Two Limits + Desynchronization.
≫ One d10 + four d8 Specialties
≫ One Milestones, if you want to opt in for Event Milestone. Two Milestones otherwise.
Each trait is described in detail further on this page.

It's not like you can be sucked into another universe with your whole house, so... Inventory is going to be used as a status-effect tracker. You can write it like this:
XP: ?
Stress: P 0 / M 0 / E 0
≫ Assets, Resources, Complications
Отредактировано 04.01.2023 в 11:35

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:16

  Essentially Distinction is a catchphrase that describes attitude, personality, background, or physical traits of a character. Every distinction is a double-edged sword, that can be as hindering as it is useful, giving character a way to earn PP. But don't worry, they are mostly useful.

  Distinctions are yet another way to give narration a mechanical output, as not only player characters have them. Non-minor NPCs and even Scenes also have defining qualities, which are described using Distinctions. Players can use Scene distinctions in their pool the same as their own character's, as d8 or d4 + 1 PP. You can also spend 1 PP to add additional Distinction to your pool.

  Every player character has three Distinctions. While creating them, you can add the short description of a Distinction to explain it.

Viper is a lonely vigilante, who keeps his identity hidden. He is a skillful fighter using the most of his mutations. And on top of it, he is a good speaker... even if it is a little bit too much.

≫ The Unlawful Good — It's technically against the law to be an Unregistered vigilante and technically Viper should be arrested and fined. The problem is that he is too useful and too experienced. His current status is vouched by the whole city and even some friend-heroes, who acted against MCR's attempts of regulating the situation.
≫ Snake's Fluidity — Every movement of Viper is fluid. When he fights, he moves graciously from one move to another. When he traverses the city, he is casually flowing through the air. When he speaks with people, he stylishly avoids all questionable topics, while also being a king of mid-fight banter and trash-talking, being able to resolve it verbally with one bite like a venomous snake.
≫ Great Expectations lead to Great Responsibility — Viper has received a harsh lesson that even if he is special, he needs to be responsible about it. He shouldn't allow others to get hurt and he must save all people from rampaging villains.
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 20:47

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:17

  Fashion replaces Affiliation, as it would be useless in current game. Fashion represents the chosen style of a character. Here you should distribute d6, d8 and 10 between those three options. Fashion means that even if everything else between two heroes is similar, their approach to problem-solving can be different just because of their personality.

≫ Aesthetics
Style over Substance is your priority. If you want to kick your opponent's ass, you would prefer to look cool as hell and the result will come.

≫ Rationality
Substance over Style. You prefer to approach any situation with a careful plan to ensure the best result possible. Maybe you don't act as fast as others, but the end result is what matters most.

≫ Improvisation
No style is style by itself! Plans are hard, it's better to improvise! If you don't know what the hell you are doing, then nobody does!

≫ Aesthetics: d10. Viper is not the most graceful fighter out there, but his style is distinct enough and heroics are like a second skin of his. He just knows where he should move or what he should say.
≫ Rationality: d8. Viper's plans are not the greatest, but they are at least decent. He isn't often seen planning, but when he does, it can be a banger!
≫ Improvisation: d6. Surprisingly, Viper is bad at coming up with something on the fly.
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 19:16

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:17
    Power Sets

Power Set is basically a box, where you put your powers, SFX and Limits. You put connected ones in, slap some cool name on top and get your own Power Set. Using popular examples: "Web-shooters" is a power set of Spider-Man, allowing him to do more than just swing through city. Same goes for Denji, who has a whole array "Chainsaw Man", giving him not only chainsaws, but also regeneration and other features... All I am saying is that this system fits CSM like a glove.

Each power set includes a number of traits, called Powers traits, only one of which can be used in the pool simultaneously. But that goes for every power set, so more power sets means more dice! There is no upper limit, but SFX and Limits are mostly connected to only one set, so if you need them, you have to buy them again and that's not cheap.

Every power trait has a die, connected to it, representing the strength of it. Ranging from minor d6 to more signature moves, like Wolverine's "Adamantium Claws". Again, don't forget to give some description, to outline your intentions with power.

And again Viper is an example.

== Snake Genes ==
Jesse's sleeping mutant genes were awakened by a bite of genetically modified snake. It increased his overall strength and gave him some unexpected powers.

Viper's Bite d10
No, Viper doesn't literally bite people, but his reflexes are sharp and his moves are fast, like a snake trying to bite.
Thermal-360 d8
As snakes have their thermal vision, Viper also has one, covering all of his body. It allows him to picture the whole world around him, without looking with his own eyes.
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 17:14

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:18
    Special Effects

Special Effects (SFX) are what gives the powers their juicy flavor. They represent cool personalized tricks with power traits, that distinguish your character from another with the same powers. They are something you don't do every time you use your power, but when you do, it hits.

SFX are generally designed as "Use trigger - Get benefit". Trigger is the first part of SFX description and it describes an action you need to take to activate the effect. Trigger is often a cost, like spending PP or wasting your turn on something otherwise unnecessary.

SFX are mostly connected to their Power Set and can't be used as a part of the other one, as it is just an extension. As a rough example, if you can use Area Attack with you grenade launcher, doesn't mean that you can do the same with your fists.

If SFX states you to shut down your power, you can't use it until you recover it. It's done either by activating an opportunity, or by general Recovery rule with rolling against doom pool and having an effect die be equal or more than power's die. If it's less, your power recovered partially and is stepped down until your next recovery attempt.

List of exemplary SFX:
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 18:29

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:18

On the other side of the SFX are Limits. The powers' weaknesses and backdoors, because no hero is complete until he has something relatable! Limits are vital for a healthy character design. And also they give players a way of earning more Plot Points.

But Limits not only activated by characters themselves, as master also have such power by sacrificing a die from doom pool. But only after player refuses to do it themselves. Otherwise Limits are like SFX but with negative effects.

Also, every character has Desynchronization Limit:
Turn chosen power trait into a complication and remove the equal or less die from the Doom Pool. Activate an Opportunity to remove the complication and recover the power.

List of exemplary Limits
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 20:17

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:19

Not everything heroes do is tied to their powers. Sometimes they have to use their own experiences. Specialties are exactly that. Advanced training, talents and skills are as important as some of the super powers. Every Specialty is represented by a die, but they also can be divided into smaller dice. Die divides into two stepped down once dice or three stepped down thrice and so on.

≫ Specialties of a d6 level are Rookie specialties. There is some definitely a skill in knowing how to drive, but you won't compete with a professional driver on track with that.
≫ Specialties of a d8 level are Expert-specialties. They represent that the character is better than average specialist of that field.
≫ Specialties of a d10 level are Master-specialties. They represent a world-renown skill, and character is one of the best you can find.

You shouldn't be too specific with your specialties. it's cool to be an Expert in videogames, but it won't help you as much as a general IT specialty.
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 14:32

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:21

Milestones are a way of tracking story threads, connecting your heroes to the world around them. Each Milestone is moment of a great choice, possibly altering the direction of your character's story. Evry Event has up to two Milestones for every character, one of which could be an Event Milestone. But you can't choose more until you haven't finished your chosen one.

All milestones have this format:

What it means
1 XP when... happens something that puts character on the road to a big decision.
3 XP when... when happens a Scene-defining moment.
10 XP when... the milestone is closed.

You can get 1 XP as many times as you want, but 3 XP only once per Scene and 10 XP is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


As you can see Milestones provide you with XP, but what does it give you? In the Transition Scene or in the end of an Act, you can spend your XP on buying different level-ups. And you also can buy a PP at any given moment of the game! Which also increases your minimal amount of PP at the start of the Act by 1 and up to 5. That's a home rule, as the initial rule uses Sessions and resets on the start of an Act but... here rules are a little bit different.

List of level-ups:

5 XP:

10 XP:

15 XP:
    Event Milestones

This world is new to you, but you want to make it better. You just don't know what will actually help.
1 XP when you are given new valuable information about universe you find yourself in.
3 XP when you tell local* people about your universe.
10 XP when you save local endangered people using questionable methods, or choose not to help them with your traits in a critical moment.
* - Local means from this universe

Nothing personal, but you really need to go back home.
1 XP when you do something unnatural to this world.
3 XP when you suffer from the effects of Desynchronization.
10 XP when you get closer to getting back home or give up on that to save endangered people.

1 XP when you declare a villain as an old foe .
3 XP when you take trauma from your chosen foe.
10 XP when you forgive your chosen foe, or let them go without forgiving.
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 20:02

DungeonMaster QuantumQuarian
02.01.2023 13:32
    In The End

Finally you can design it all into a simple look like that and all is done!

== Distinctions ==
≫ Distinction 1 — description.
≫ Distinction 2 — description.
≫ Distinction 3 — description.

== Fashion ==
≫ Aesthetics: d.
≫ Rationality: d.
≫ Improvisation: d.

== Specialties ==
≫ Master Acrobatics? — d10
≫ Expert Science? — d8
≫ Expert Banter? — d8
≫ Expert at something else? — d8

== Once again Snake Genes ==
Jesse's sleeping mutant genes were awakened by a bite of genetically modified snake. It increased his overall strength and gave him some unexpected powers.
Viper's Bite d10
No, Viper doesn't literally bite people, but his reflexes are sharp and his moves are fast, like a snake trying to bite.
Thermal-360 d8
As snakes have their thermal vision, Viper also has one, covering all of his body. It allows him to picture the whole world around him, without looking with his own eyes.


≫ Desynchronization
≫ Limit
≫ Limit
Отредактировано 03.01.2023 в 20:31


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