Imperium's Shield | ходы игроков | "Мститель-7"

DungeonMaster Wolmer
16.10.2023 00:00


Класс: фрегат
Тип: "Меч"
Длина корпуса: ~ 1,600 метров
Ширина корпуса: ~ 300 метров
Высота корпуса: ~ 550 метров
Масса: ~ 6 мегатонн
Штатный экипаж: ~ 26 тысяч человек


Speed: 9
Manoeuvrability: +23
Detection: +15

Void Shields: 1
Armour: 19 (21 prow)
Hull Integrity: 35

Turret Rating: 2
Weapon Capacity: Dorsal 2 (2 Ryza-pattern macrobatteries: Strength 4, Damage 1d10 + 4, Crit 4, Range 5)

Crew: ???
Morale: ???

Essential Components:

- Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive
The STC standard drive for escort-grade warships.

- Stelov 1 Warp Engine
Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the Immaterium.

- Gellar Field
Protects the vessel from the myriad dangers of the Immaterium.

- Single Void Shield Array
A single double-layered void shield. Provides 1 Void Shield.

- Command Bridge
This bridge has been modified to give the ship’s master greater control over his vessel.
Enhanced Cogitator Relays: As long as the bridge remains undamaged, all Command Tests made by the captain gain +5 and all Ballistic Skill Tests to fire shipboard weapons gain +5. If this Component ever suffers a Critical Hit, it becomes unpowered on a 1d10 roll of 3 or higher.

- Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer
This life sustainer is of STC origins, and is in common use in the Calixis Sector.

- Pressed-Crew Quarters
Little has been done to make the quarters of the crew a pleasant place to stay.
Cramped: Decrease Morale permanently by 2.

- M-100 Auger Array
The Imperial Navy’s standard sensor array.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.

Supplemental components:

- Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery (x2)
These weapons are rare and expensive examples of the ancient art of plasma-craft. Their power draw is considerable, but so is their effectiveness.
Vapourisation: When this Weapon Component rolls a 1 or 2 on the Critical Hit Chart, it affects two Components instead of one.

- Reinforced Prow
Though not as imposing as the titanic adamantium beaks of cruisers, a reinforced prow can offer crucial protection to smaller vessels, or any ship that wishes to mount forward-facing weaponry.
Adamantine Plates: This ship gains +2 Armour in its front arc only. This ship also does 1d5 additional damage when ramming.
Отредактировано 16.10.2023 в 01:59

DungeonMaster Wolmer
01.11.2023 17:33
Командный состав

(фактическая численность/штатная численность)

Офицеры мостика: 16 / 16
Офицеры артиллерии: 4 / 4
Офицеры инжинариума: 9 / 9
Офицеры вокс и эфирик-палат: 5 / 5
Офицеры бортовых служб: 18 / 18

Астропаты: 18 / 18
Навигаторы: 4 / 4

Служители Экллезиархии: 60 / 60
Служители Культа Машины: 154 / 154

Унтер-офицеры мостика: ? / 22
Унтер-офицеры артиллерии: ? / 180
Унтер-офицеры инжинариума: ? / 435
Унтер-офицеры вокс и эфирик-палат: ? / 40
Унтер-офицеры бортовых служб: ? / 855
Боцманы: ? / 260
Сержанты-оружейники: ? / 120

Оруженосцы: ?/960
Нижние чины I-III рангов: ? / 2,040
Нижние чины IV-XII рангов: ? / 1,020
Нижние чины XIII-CXX рангов: ? / 6,000
Нижние чины CXX-CCCL рангов: ? / 4,500

Корабельные сервы: ? / 8,000
Сервиторы: ? / 1,450

Нежелательные пассажиры: ?
Отредактировано 02.11.2023 в 17:21

DungeonMaster Wolmer
01.11.2023 17:35


Всего: 0


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